Small Investments That Make Money Lifetime — Different Ways To Make Money Online

Nearly Land
15 min readMay 22, 2021

Want to make money without having to leave your home during the coronavirus pandemic? Or do you want to learn how to make money online so that you can support your travels once the coronavirus has faded away?

This article is dedicated to helping people ways to make money online for a living.

Instead of your skill set, regardless of what you do now or have done in the past, there is a choice that will resonate with your own talents and passions. Here in this article, you will undoubtedly earn money for investing money.

Based on our own experience, we’ve created a list of the best ways to make money online in your spare time while at home. We’ll be adding new ways to this page all the time, so bookmark it now. Please share your thoughts in the comments!

1. Investing In Cryptocurrency

Investing in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ethereum, and dogecoin involves some fundamentals and laws.

Before investing in a cryptocurrency, one should study its specific set of parameters. They are generally classified into three types: project metrics, financial metrics, and on-chain metrics.

Learn More and Know The Largest Wealth Opportunity Of Our Lifetimes

Why Cryptocurrency?

Where else do you get a chance to potentially make 10x, 50x or even as much as 277x returns in less than a year?

I believe we’re on the cusp of the biggest cryptocurrency bull market we’ve ever seen. Bitcoin has now traded over $28,000 and I believe it’s just the start of a run to multi-six figures per BTC and a cryptocurrency market cap in the TRILLIONS!

But forget about Bitcoin. the time to buy that was months ago when it was still trading under $10,000. Sure, it may however go up to $100,000 or more in the future, but that’s “only” a 5x and it would take ENORMOUS capital to get it to that level.

In the cryptocurrency world, making a 5x sometimes happens in a week!

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies (known as altcoins) and several of these have the potential to massively better Bitcoin because they have much smaller market caps.

We saw this happen in the 2017 bull market… and I think it’s about to repeat again in the next 12 months (2021).


Smart investors know that when it comes to investments or life in general, nothing is guaranteed. In fact, anyone who guarantees returns of any kind with 100% confidence is a giant red flag.

Smart investors look for asymmetric bets. This means they look for opportunities that have a downside of what’s invested but an upside that is 10x-100x or more.


Simple. Investing is a numbers game. Most maximum investors have losing investments on a regular basis. You can’t win them all. But. if for every lost investment you make up for at least 10x on the upside with your winners, you’ll end up very very wealthy.

Cryptocurrencies are an asymmetric bet.

On the downside, they could go to zero and you can lose what you put in.

On the upside, they could return 10x, 30x, 50x, 100x, or even more.

We saw this in 2020 with a cryptocurrency called LEND that rose in value by more than 27,144% in a period of just over 365 days. Had you bet $1000 on this cryptocurrency back in September 2019, you could have profited as much as $271,000 by August 2020.

Experts expect cryptocurrency cycles to repeat as they have over the past 4 years. If this will happen, then there will be many cryptocurrencies that will provide enormous returns.

All you need to do is be early and make a few small bets on a few high-potential cryptocurrencies and wait for the cycles to play out. That’s it.


2. The Genie Script — Manifest Money Anytime

Wesley’s latest 30-day initiative is called The Genie Script. That is intended to show you a special mediation technique that he used to improve his financial, emotional, and mental well-being and help in manifest anything you want.

This program’s audio files and videos will assist clinicians in focusing their minds on performance.

Learn More About Genie Script Here

If you wish to be successful in both your professional and personal life, you can aim for a meditation programme that will assist you in achieving greater success. The Genie Script is an online curriculum that uses meditative approaches to help you improve your financial, behavioural, and emotional well-being. The details in this article will assist you in understanding how The Genie Script works for you.

Product Name : The Genie Script Works™
Author/Creator: Wesley Virgin
Normal price was $143. But now you can buy it at — $43 (100$ OFF).

This program contains the following features:

The following items are included in this meditative program:

4 Weekly 10-Minute Meditation Sessions: It contains four 10-minute video sessions that show you how to learn special meditation methods in four sessions per week.

Videos on the Various Meditation States: You would be good if you grasp the meditation technique. Wesley also classified brain waves into five states in these training videos: Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. This software would help you to research the benefits of each state and when to use them to achieve the best results.

Wesley’s Facebook Private Group Approach: This framework includes a private Facebook network that will link you to people who share your visions and goals in order for you to remain fully committed for 30 days and be motivated by other people’s success.

Features and Benefits of the Genie Script

Today, in my study, I’d like to share with you all of the awesome features that this revolutionary program has to offer.

Just sit and listen and get the results you want.

Is it worth trading 10 minutes of your time for results you never even dreamed of? You can use earphones or headphones or just listed over your phone’s speaker.

Become a far more focused person in the achievement of your individual interests.

The course will teach you how to make meditation pleasant while still being successful, as well as how to embrace an abundance mentality.

In the next 30 days, make a significant difference in your life.

Wesley is so optimistic in this system that he says, “I bet you’ll start seeing miracles in less than 30 days if you use these every day.” In reality, if you don’t see a difference in the next 30 days, I’m not interested in your money.”

Private community

Wesley provided a private Facebook forum where you can engage with people who share your goals and vision, be motivated by other people’s achievements, and most importantly, remain focused for the entire 30 days.

How does this program work?

The chakra technique’s energy function is combined with contemporary brain science in this program’s manifestation methodology. This 30-day program focuses on your entire life at first, allowing you to manifest a lot more quickly and effortlessly. This program addresses all of the places where the waves of manifestation energies are disrupted without the need to master chakras or go through a lengthy learning period. It functions in environments where negative energy is concentrated. Through knowing and using the appropriate meditative strategies, you will embody your wishes and aspirations and bring them to fruition.

Things you can expect by using this program

  • This program allows you to find out the source of energy of this world
  • It helps you to realize your dreams that were in your prayers throughout the life
  • All the guidelines in the video and audio files help you to focus your brain on positive things instead of on negative thoughts
  • It includes training videos on all the five states of brain waves.
  • This unique technique of meditation helps in manifesting a better emotional, mental and financial life.
  • It helps in discovering the ways to enjoy the power of meditation and be prepared to admit the ways of abundance thinking
  • Its name describes the magical ways of meditation that can change your outlook on your life
  • This program allows you to learn meditation in various forms and the working of energy until you get a source of direct energy.
  • This program helps you to show tangible results by changing the status of your mind in a positive direction.
  • This meditative program is specifically designed for improving your emotional, financial, and mental health within 30 days.

Why you need Genie Script — Read the story of kelli here

Pros and Cons


  • One-time investment
  • You are getting access to the complete system Wesley learned in Malibu.and this is the exact same system that has generated more and more wealth each year for him.
  • All audio files and video guidelines help users focus their mind on success instead of drowning in negative thoughts.
  • The Genie Script program helps you discover how to make meditation fun yet powerful and open up to accept the way of thinking about abundance.
  • It is a unique meditative technique that manifests a better financial, emotional and mental life.
  • This is called Genie Script because Wesley learned this from secret teachers.
  • This program is like having your own personal genie to call upon and deliver whatever you need
  • This program offers you a complete positive change of mind and allows you to show tangible results.
  • And with 365 days money back guarantee this program becomes a no brainer


  • Yet to find one. Tell me in the comments if you find something.


BONUS 1: Wealth Frequency Binaural Beat Track

BONUS 2: Kundalini Touch Exercise

BONUS 3: Supernatural Third Eye Activation Exercises

BONUS 4: Divine Walking Guided Meditation Audios

3. Tube Mastery and Monetization by Matt Par

How do YouTubers Make Money

Learn More About Tube Mastery & Monetization Here — Click Here

As per Forbes, the highest-earning YouTuber last year was Ryan Kaji, a 9-year-old who earned an estimated $29.5 million between June 1, 2019, and June 1, 2020. His YouTube channel, which features DIY scientific experiments and toy reviews, has 41.7 million subscribers and 12.2 billion views. Besides that, Jimmy Donaldson, better known online as MrBeast, was the second-highest earner, raking in $24 million and attracting 47.8 million subscribers and 3 billion views thanks to his high-quality comedic stunt productions.

While the aforementioned YouTube superstars are a small percentage of the total, there are many more moderately successful channels through which you can boost your income.

If you want to make money from your YouTube channel, you should know that some niches are more profitable than others. One of the most profitable YouTube topics, for example, has been gaming. Life hacks, humour or pranks, fail compilations, product unboxing (especially of children’s toys), how-to and tutorials, kitchen tips and food reviews, lists of top things, animal videos, news, and celebrity gossip are all profitable genres.

Authentic content plus ads and product placements can mean big bucks

Starting your own YouTube channel can provide a number of opportunities for earning money. You’ll most likely be able to increase your revenue with strategic consistency and dedication.

Monetizing ad views, featuring paid promotions, and joining the YouTube Partner Program are some of the more popular ways to make money this way. Before you learn more about these common ways to make money and how to get started with them, you should first understand the financial potential of being a YouTuber.

YouTube Money Calculator: Calculate How Much You Can Make

The tool above was created to help you quickly measure the approximate earnings from a YouTube video or channel based on the number of views, interest, and other factors.

How to Make Money on YouTube — 6 Steps To Get Paid.

  1. Apply for the YouTube Partner Program

You must become a YouTube partner in order to receive money directly from the platform. There are many ways to benefit after you’ve done so, but you must first meet the following criteria to become a partner:

  • Your videos must follow the site’s advertising guidelines and have accumulated more than 4,000 legitimate public watch hours in the previous 12 months.
  • You must be a resident of a qualifying city.
  • You’ll need more than 1,000 Subscribers to show up.
  • A Google AdSense account must be connected.

The more videos you have, the more easily you can meet the viewing-hours requirement. It pays to put effort into planning and development of high-quality, entertaining videos because they are more likely to get views. Once you’ve met the criteria, go to your profile and look under the “monetization” section to apply.

Ads, subscription perks, and features like Super Chat, which allows viewers to pay to have their messages highlighted during a live stream, are all ways for you to make money as a partner.

Step 1. Start a channel

Step 2. Make your channel successful enough that it meets the YouTube Partner Program requirements

Step 3. Set up an AdSense account

Step 4. Explore your new monetization features

Step 5. Submit to ongoing reviews

2. Connect to Google AdSense

You must bind your channel to Google AdSense, the company’s advertising system, in order to be accepted as a partner. Advertisers bid for video space using AdSense based on factors like your audience, video subject, and related keywords.

In general, you’ll be compensated based on the amount of “impressions” your videos get, which refers to how many times someone views or clicks on an ad. However, since advertisements do not appear every time anyone watches a video, views do not always equate to money in the bank. Often, YouTube takes a share of the ad revenue; the percentage isn’t disclosed.

Payments will be made until your account balance hits $100, so if you have a limited channel, you will only be charged every few months. Since Google, which distributes AdSense fees, does not subtract the entire tax obligation, you may want to set aside some of that money for taxes.

3. Go to YouTube Premium.

AdSense isn’t the only way for partners to benefit from YouTube. You can also upload videos to YouTube Premium, the ad-free subscription feature on the web. You’ll get a cut of the membership fees depending on how many times members watch your videos.

4. Integrate product placement and video sponsorship into the strategy.

Companies that are interested in your channel’s audience can sponsor your videos or offer product placement deals in exchange for a shout out. Payments would most likely be made on a per-sale basis or in fee tiers.

5. Sell products or services to viewers

If you have merchandise or a service that your audience will be interested in, let them know about it and include links in your videos. Ryan Kaji, the star of the children’s YouTube channel Ryan’s World, for example, sells toys, T-shirts, and other merchandise. You can need to buy supplies or find a manufacturer to sell a physical product, but you can also sell downloadables like e-books or art prints. Before you advertise your products, make sure you have a safe payment system in place.

6. Go out and meet fans in person

YouTubers will interact with fans and sell merchandise at meetups and similar events. Those with a large number of active and engaged subscribers are typically the best candidates. Those with smaller crowds will choose to forego ticketed events and instead rely on merchandise sales. If your videos, for example, teach viewers how to draw, you might host a free class in a nearby park and then sell your book of drawing techniques.

So the question in your mind — Can I make this all up!

Tube Mastery And Monetization Program is for you if you want to make money on YouTube but are hesitant to upload videos with your face and photos. Tube Mastery And Monetization is a course created by Matt Par, a well-known teen entrepreneur, to help those who want to make money on YouTube without exposing their identities.

Matt Par’s Tube Mastery And Monetization Course has become a hot subject for those looking to make money on YouTube over time. People can make money online after completing the course by simply uploading videos to the website, with the exception of getting on the picture. Isn’t it fun and motivating to know that you can make a lot of money even when you’re sleeping soundly?

Matt Par’s course can be a perfect alternative for those who have lost their jobs and are unable to provide for their families in these difficult times of pandemic. People can say goodbye to their financial problems by starting a YouTube channel and uploading videos in compliance with the course’s guidelines.

However, the validity of this course cannot be questioned because it has broken all previous sales records set by some of the industry’s most well-known names.

4. Shopify Dropshipping Academy

Watch my 17 lesson training + 3 extra courses on how to build your own online store on a tight budget.

Sign up below and start your FREE TRIAL. ABSOLUTELY NO RISK.

Enroll now and grab a free gift worth $25

Here’s What You’ll Learn

Shopify At A Glance

Getting Started With Shopify

Shopify Dashboard

How To Set Up Your Shopify E-Store

How To Identify Hot Selling Products

How To Create Buy Button / Shopping Cart

Launching Your E-Store

Other Money Making Ideas

Shopify Apps to Drive More traffic

Plus 7 secret traffic sources waiting for you inside…

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a retail delivery method in which a store does not hold stock of the products it sells. When a store uses the dropshipping model to sell a product, it buys the item from a third party and has it delivered directly to the consumer. As a result, the vendor is relieved of direct inventory handling.

The most significant distinction between dropshipping and traditional retail is that the selling merchant does not own or store inventory. Instead, the seller fulfills orders by purchasing inventory from a third party — usually a wholesaler or manufacturer — as required.

How Do I Get Customers?

How do I get clients?

The start of an online e-store is not that difficult nowadays as it did 10 years ago. Motivated by an online dream and the rewarding monthly profits, everybody has a company for a better life.

It is easy for you to start an online business any time you want with all the platforms and opportunities available. You can start an online shop on a small scale, even if you have low budget.

Shopify Traffic is a series of courses that teach you, along with years of studies, how to generate traffic to your Shopify e-store through successful methods and platforms based on personal experience.

Some topics covered in my training include:

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. SEO
  4. Video Marketing
  5. Recruiting Affiliates
  6. Shopify Apps to Drive More Traffic


  • Small businesses and start-ups who sell B2C products
  • Experienced marketers who know the basics, but want to uncover “golden nugget” tactics that will accelerate their results
  • Freelancers who want a proven system for growing a steady stream of more and better sales


  • Local brick and mortar businesses like restaurants — I did a lot of work with restaurants in the past, but this training program is for businesses who market and sell online.
  • Someone who is just dabbling in marketing and doesn’t see the value of investing as a way to grow their knowledge, skills, and sales.
  • Someone who believes they will instantly have a 6 or 7 figure business simply because they enrolled.

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